Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Not going to get into too much detail but...

I moved.... to Vancouver.

I'll explain later.

Drove across this great land of ours with a girl I barely know and had an incredible time doing it.

This actually reminds me a conversation I've had with my good friend Jennie Kiff who I miss terribly not just because of our lunch dates or our patio beer afternoons but how much of an understanding we have of each other even though we haven't been friends for more than a year. One of the greatest compliments I received from her was when she told me that I had reintroduced her/encouraged her to read again. Perks of Being a Wallflower (Stephen Chbosky)was one of them and Cats Cradle (Vonnegut) was another. Both books have wonderful concepts that permeate into my life and I wanted to share them with her because I thought.. if anyone.. she would appreciate them and she did. There's a fictional concept from Cat's Cradle which is called a karass. Anyone who's read this book will know exactly what I mean and laugh but even though it's a core element of a completely ridiculous fictional religion, as I get older and more people come into my life I believe that this concept exists. A karass is the group of people who are/were meant to be in your life... whether positively or negatively... long term or fleeting... each one of these people has an effect/influence on your existence. And like I said... as life floats on... as people come and go... I believe in my heart and in my soul that they were meant to be a part of me. I guess in real life it translates to an extended family of sorts... not just the ones who are "family" by blood but those who are "family" in a broader, emotional/psychological sense. One day I'll maybe explain it with quantum theory and my own ideas about the collective unconscious... (Dave... a little help?)

When it all comes down to it we're all made of the same stuff my friends....

Apparently this place has turned me into a hippy already...

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