Wednesday, November 14, 2007

this and that...

this is going to be another super random again...

-bailed on my IV insertion class today mostly because a) i've been inserting IVs for the last 2 1/2 years b) my shoulder was really painful and c) i slept 2 hours yesterday and wanted to stay in bed.

-lame excuses i know but fuck it.

-got ditched by physio since finding out that my collarbone is broken... gotta wait until i see the orthopod... for fuck's sake. i'm not allowed to do any strengthening on my rotator cuff until then.

-got my hair cut....hmmmm... i had forgotten what i looked like with shorter hair... whatever.. it'll grow back.

-flipping through some old photos makes me miss:

-waking up early to the smell of coffee and looking out over a lake and watching the mist burn off with the rising sun. algonquin 2007. (dave: i'm so stoked to see you and the missus at christmas)

- late night skates up to nelson and osgoode for smoke, laughs and chatting about music. wakefield, qc. summer 2006. kinda miss this kid and his offside jokes (don't tell him i said that though)... he's currently shit disturbing somewhere in south korea.

-my woman love. red wine, martinis, cuddling on the couch. my moments of clarity and happiness in a chaotic and negative time. jaime's dancing in london, UK. emily's engineering in north bay (so excited to get back in the kitchen with you).

-ninz. toronto. ipod(rip). i miss smokin and giggling on your floor. when i get home... you, tasha and i are in need of some drinks and catch up.

-i start my regular rotation tomorrow... not so stoked about that but whatever... another day, another dollar.

-however... i am floored by this... the cinematography is INSANE.

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