Monday, January 14, 2008

well that was quick...

"All my life I have loved travelling at night, with a companion, each of us discussing and sharing the known and familiar behaviour of the other. It's like a villanelle, this inclination of going back to events in our past, the way the villanelle's form refuses to move forward in linear development, circling instead at those familiar moments of emotion. Only the rereading counts, Nabokov said. So the strange form of that belfry, turning onto itself again and again, felt familiar to me. For we live with those retrievals from childhood that coalesce and echo throughout our lives, the way shattered pieces of glass in a kaleidoscope reappear in new forms and are songlike in their refrains and rhymes, making up a single monologue. We live permanently in the recurrence of our own stories, whatever story we tell." (p136)

Finished Divisadero this morning and I just loved it. Might have to pick up a copy when it comes out in paperback to add to my thinned book collection. It will fit perfectly in between In the Skin of a Lion (Onadaatje) and Orwell's 1984

Yesterday Alyssa made the mistake of taking me into Chapters and despite having a stack of books to read from the library, I bought 4 more to add to the collection.  I have this thing were I like having copies of my favourite books so I can reread them whenever I want and not have to worry about late fees. One might be sent out as a gift though.

Also went and saw Juno last night. Hilariously written and brilliantly acted. I can' t wait to see it again. 

Random tidbits for today: my allergies are going INSANE and my cat loves
Miles Davis

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