Sunday, December 9, 2007


just a quick little update cause i'm feeling lazy tonight... not that i really did anything life altering today... whatever. 

so as of this moment i'm off work indefinitely due to a little incident that tweaked my shoulder. i need a doctor's clearance/stipulations before i can go back. i have mixed feelings about this because a) all that free time "resting" and "healing" is daunting and i get panicky just thinking about not doing anything for long periods of time 
b) i need the money
c) now i'm involved with workman's comp which if bc is anything like ontario it's going to be a helluva lot of paperwork and useless dicking around 

d) there's a possibility of going home early 
e) having more than 3 days off in a row isn't so bad... it's when i hit the 4 day mark i get restless
f) there's a possibility i might head down to santa barbara for a few days to hangout... matty and kyle are finally (hahah) going to visit brendan and benny's heading down for a few days so i might join him and feed my need to disappear from the city.

anyway.. tomorrow i have to call and figure out what the hell is the whole process of me being off and going back to work and shit.  
tuesday i've got a massage therapy appointment... thank god because i'm starting to get shooting pain down my left arm... hoping it's not the beginning of this.
wednesday more xrays probably and then fingers crossed hoping on a plane south.
i'll let you know. 

oh ps. just caught the end of the muchmusic "countdown" that had the 2 worst songs by the 2 worst bands i've ever heard as the top 2... hedley and that soulja boy shit. fuck. yes... i'm hating.

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