Sunday, December 30, 2007

dial up is excruciating.

merry christmas, happy kwanzaa, happy hanukah... whatever you celebrate... i hope it was a good one.

mine definitely was... i flew home after a hectic night shift at work and arrived to lots of family, turkey and wine. minimal sleep... not a problem. got spoiled on boxing day with lots of skin, csi reruns and cheesecake in bed. little things that make the waiting worth it.

got to see dave and robyn in good old shitby... and a few of the algonquin crew. went to a punk rock show that should have been at the dungeon and i should have been 16. also... suburbia scares me. for real... its terrifying. give me country or real city... you will never catch me living in a cookie cutter home with an SUV and two kids playing on an 8x8 "lawn". EVER. it was nice to see them though... whereever they might be. speaking of... i may have planted some seeds about moving west... north bay blows.

heading to ottawa tomorrow for a few days... hopefully see some of my peoples i've been missing, partcipate in some zaphod dance partying and fingers crossed for wednesday night girls night... christine you better not be in PEI....seriously i need flat beer and wings... 2.50 bar rail, slutty dancing with 18 year olds at the pier and perv's row at barefax. do it.

and now back to what i've been doing for pretty much the entire time i've been home... watching movies and eating.


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