Thursday, October 25, 2007


so i suppose i haven't updated in a while... shit's been busy. quick breakdown:
*had a shitty week last week, a shitty combination of accumulating stress, lack of sleep and a touch of homesickness. spoke to my sis and the next day received a phone call from the parental unit. talked it out... felt better. changed some things. felt better. currently feeling...awesome.

*went out for a close friend's birthday tuesday night. ate my body weight in korean barbeque and brought these to the par-tay. (no i didn't make them, i wish)

*worked an overtime shift on a new unit yesterday... part of the emergency department. a unit known as MAU... the medical assessment unit... fondly known as MAUI in the actual emerg because it's a bit of a breeze. 3 patients, fast turnover... in and out, admit/discharge. i'd almost forgotten what it was like to have more than one patient, ones who walk and talk. just like riding a bike though. a lot of the time when i wasn't busy i felt like i should have been doing something (icu nurse syndrome) and when i was busy i was running off my feet. it was fun. i had good help from a couple of funny guys. made the day go by quickly. caught a ride home with ben, grabbed some beers, threw them into trusty rusty and headed over to brad and leanne's for dinner. and this is what we did:

*we made sushi handrolls!!! aren't they beautiful? mine's the inside out roll with the smoked salmon on the outside. such a fun night with drinks, funny smoke and a tasty meal we all had a hand in. haven't laughed that hard in a while.

*went to the beach today, taxed my roommate's mp3 player, sat, sipped a tea and scribbled some postcards to the ones i love. watched a couple taking pictures of each other with the sun behind them and thought of how disappointed they would be when they got home and saw only silhouettes. maybe that's what they were going for... who knows. anyway... missed my path on the way home and found a few of these. i guess sometimes when you get lost you find the most beautiful things.

i need a haircut.

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