Sunday, August 19, 2007

its been a while....

so.. hey...
it has been a while but it's the summertime aka busiest time of my year anyway.
quick updates:
1) separated my shoulder in halifax in april.. and it's still messed up.
2) moved to a one bedroom apartment in may... and i love living on my own.
3) was back and forth between toronto and ottawa quite a bit for this wedding that i was in.
4) found someone who i enjoy spending time with although he's very far away and soon to be further. very thankful for the time we had and when i think about it, it puts a smile on my face. but for now.. i wait. soon enough he says.
5) stood up for a good friend of mine in july... mixed cold meds with copious amounts of alcohol and subsequently barfed 10 times in 12 hours.... but otherwise.. a good time had by all.

pics! (of the wedding)

*this was taken on my hangover sunday by the someone... it was actually a very lovely day.
*getting ready
*the bride's brothers/groomsmen


*the bride

*our bouquets

*laurel getting painted

*i hate polishing cutlery but we did 110 full sets of them

*the best man and his woman

*folding zee napkins

*the groom and his gift to his bride (his wrist)

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